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Sep 17, 2022: Finally - my website has been ported to Joomla 4. It took quite some efforts to make the new standard template "Cassiopeia" look like the previous "Protostar". I just don't like the Joomla maintainers to determine the layout of my web pages; this is my domain.
Aug 30, 2021: Unbelievably, the Madeira album is ready, after a mere 2 years.
Aug 27, 2020: The Iceland album is ready. Next on the list is Madeira.
Aug 16, 2020: Hard to believe, there is progress with the Iceland album. A mere one year after the trip.
Irland 2018
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Es ging diesmal nach Irland, und zwar mit Marco Polo (nicht Young Line, mit denen ich in früheren Zeiten verreiste). Am 06.09.2018 ging es los; ich flog von Frankfurt/Main ab und gelangte am Nachmittag nach Dublin. Die Reise endete wieder in Dublin am 17.09.2018 mit dem Heimflug nach Frankfurt (und andere Flughäfen).
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Reist man zum Polarkreis oder Richtung Norden darüber hinaus, muss man sich auf faszinierende Naturschauspiele einstellen. Im Winter wird es nicht hell, da die Sonne den Horizont nicht überschreitet. Im Sommer wird es nicht dunkel, da die Sonne nicht unter dem Horizont verschindet. Außerdem gibt es in der Nähe der Pole das Nordlicht, auch Polarlicht genannt.
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Iceland 2019
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In August 2019 I took a chance to travel to Iceland for the second time; the first one is already long ago, 1996. This time I went for a Studiosus Hiking trip, 10 days (Iceland tours are quite expensive, so this had to suffice). The trip was from Aug 02 to Aug 11, 2020.
Madeira 2019
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A few weeks after my trip to Iceland, another vacation trip was about to start; this time, I expected some higher temperatures. As I already knew the Azores from a trip in 2009, and the Canary Islands from a trip in autumn 2016, there was still Madeira, so: Let's have a look!
Madeira is known for its rugged landscape, for its countless hiking trails that are not quite easy to walk, and for its flowers.
Mongolia 2017
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This was a trip with World Insight to Mongolia, from August 08 to August 25, 2017. World Insight is a German travel agency, specialized on group trips like many others (Marco Polo, Studiosus, Djoser etc.)